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Museums, Rijeka

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Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast
The museum is headquartered in the former Governor's Palace, a historicist edifice and protected cultural monument. The Governor's Palace was constructed in 1896 and designed by Alajos Hauszmann, one of the foremost Hungarian architects during the time when Rijeka was under Hungarian rule. Today, the palace houses the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral, which was established in 1961 and comprises maritime, historical and cultural, ethnographic and archaeological departments. Some of the original items from the Governor's Palace, such as furniture and artisan craft-work, have been preserved and exhibited in salons on the first floor. The permanent exhibition of the museum provides an interactive and modern platform for showcasing the long, rich and tumultuous history and culture of living in the area of what is today Primorje-Gorski Kotar County from prehistoric times to the present day. The Lipa Pamti Memorial Centre (Lipa Remembers), which is dedicated to the victims of the Lipa massacre that took place on 30 April 1944, is also a part of the museum. In addition to its memorial heritage, the Memorial Centre interprets the entire cultural, historical and ethnographical heritage of the Liburnian Karst region (Rupa, Pasjak, Šapjane and Brce) from prehistoric times to the present day.
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Natural History Museum Rijeka
The Natural History Museum located within the Nikola Host Park was the first regional museum in the Rijeka area, founded in 1876 when Doctor Joseph Roman Lorenz designed its concept in accordance with Vienna’s Naturhistoriches Museum. Initially, the collection was an integral part of the City Museum, but since 1945 it has operated as an independent institution with rich holdings at its current location, within which there were a zoo and an aquarium until the 1960s. Today, the Museum is oriented towards marine research and has a specialised library in the field of biology, geology and palaeontology. Visitors can enjoy the rich collections and permanent exhibition representing the geological past of the Adriatic, oceanographic research, minerals, marine invertebrates, sharks and rays, the “Aquarium” multimedia centre and reptiles and amphibians from the Rijeka area.
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Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka
The museum has its roots in the Fine Arts Gallery built in 1948. Six years later, in 1954, the 1954 Salon was founded - the Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture and Painting in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). This was the first group exhibition of the modern fine arts production of the former state. In 1960 it started the Biennale of Young Artists and in 1968 it presented the International Exhibition of Original Drawings. Since 1990 it has been presenting Croatian artists at the European and Mediterranean Biennale of Young Artists. In 1962 the institution changed its name to the Rijeka Modern Gallery and in 2003 to the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. The Museum is working on a number of collections. These are collections of works by national artists Božidar Rašica, Romolo Venucci and Slavko Grčko, as well as collections of drawings, graphics, sculptures, posters, paintings, photographs and media art. The exhibition activities take place in Krešimirova Street.
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Peek & Poke Computer Museum
Those who peek into Rijeka’s computer museum and poke through its past will be amazed by the speed at which our technological future has become our past. Under the name Peek&Poke, it is the first Croatian museum of computers and computer equipment. Its founders call it the Retro Computer Club. Opened in 2007, it welcomes its visitors with exhibits that date back to the 1960s. Some of the oldest exhibits include the pioneers of computer technology, such as Minivac (1961), the first big series personal computer (Apple II), the first affordable home computer (Sinclair ZX80), the first palmtop (Newton), the computer on which Andy Warhol made his art (Amiga 1000) and the great-grandfather of all modern personal computers - the original IBM PC. The museum holds a proof that Croatia was once a leader in one sector of this technology - the first European calculator, manufactured in 1971 in Buje in the Digitron factory, is exhibited here. The museum has over 2000 exhibits of international and Croatian computer, audio, video and photo technology. Located in the premises of 300 square meters in the city centre, it is one of the first 5 world museums on this subject and is also the largest exhibition of its kind in this part of Europe.
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Villa Angiolina
Visit the Villa Angiolina, a former summer residence and today the seat of the Croatian Museum of Tourism. The museum hosts various exhibitions, workshops and projects that will explain to you why Opatija was a favourite destination for many historical figures. This is the building that certainly marked the beginning of the tourist epoch in the history of Opatija. Pending its building in 1844. (actually a reconstruction of an older building owned by baron Haller von Hallerxtein); Opatija was a relatively large settlement with about 120 houses, clustered mainly around plots further away from the sea coast and chiefly oriented towards fishing and seafaring. With the arrival of Iginio Scarpa, a patrician from Rijeka, and building of his summer house Angiolina (named after Scarpa’s then already deceased wife, originating from the Sartori family), Opatija opened her doors to a whole line of guests and passengers, among whom it is noteworthy to mention the Austrian empress Mary Ann, the botanist Heinrich Noë, the croatian ban Josip Jelačić and others who in their enthusiasm for the local vegetation and climate spread the fame about Opatija and thus prepared the ground for the future health resort.
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Civic Museum Rovinj
Located in the baroque palace of the XVII / XVIII century of the Count Caliphs, the museum was founded in 1954 on the initiative of some artists of Rovinj. Their idea was to gather the rich cultural heritage of the city in a single exhibition space. The museum serves as a town gallery and exhibits its precious collection to the public in a permanent exhibition. In its half-century of life it has gathered a rich collection that includes sections of contemporary art, old masters, archaeological, ethnological, books, documents and photographs on the activities of the partisan battalion Pino Budicin and more. The Museum houses one of the most important collections of ancient masters in Croatia, in particular the Italian masters from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. The Renaissance is represented through works by artists from the circle of Giovanni Bellini and Bonifacio de Pitatija (Adoration of the Magi), while the most important exponents of Baroque are Marco Ricci (On the road to Emmaus), Antonio Zanchi, Jerome Romanin, Nicola Grassi, the school of Guido Reni and Bernardo Strozzi and others.
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Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria
The museum collects works of art created in the second half of last century until the latest work of recent artists. MCAI represents an open meeting place of multiculturalism and, above all, to be a leading cultural and art institution of Istrian artists.
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Archaeological Museum of Istria
By collecting stone monuments in the Temple of Augustus in 1802, marshal Marmont began the founding of the museum collection in Pula. However, the discovery of stone, ceramic and metal objects in Nesactium was the basis for founding the Museo Civico (City Museum) in Pula in 1902. After the seat of the “Società istriana di archeologia e storia patria” had been moved and with the transfer of the archaeological inventory from Poreč to Pula, the Museo Civico was integrated with the National collection (stone monuments) and the Poreč Regional Museum (Museo Provinciale) into one regional institution. Therefore, in 1925 the Museum of Istria (Il Regio Museo dell’Istria) was founded in the present-day museum building. In 1930 the museum opened its doors to visitors, and a guidebook in Italian was published. This exhibition, along with minor changes, was open for the public until the end of World War II, when many objects were transferred to Italy during the Anglo-American administration.
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Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria
At the highest hill in Pula, at an altitude of 32.4 m, between the sea and the hills Arena, Zaro and Sv. Mihovil, the adapted Venetian fortification, houses since 1961 the Historical Museum of Istria, founded as the Museum of the Revolution on December 31, 1955. The Historical Museum of Istria – Museo Storico dell’Istria carries out its activities as a public institution. Presently, it is a County institution that keeps part of the national and universal heritage, from the High Middle Ages until the recent history directly or indirectly presenting it to the public by means of permanent or temporary exhibitions or publications. The Museum has several departments – Department of the history of Pula, Department of medieval Istrian history and the Department of modern Istrian history with adjoining collections (Cultural-historic collection of urban life, Collection of old postcards and photographs, Collection of maritime history and shipbuilding, Collection of economic development, Cultural-historical collection of suburban life, Collection of insignia, diplomas, seals and coats-of-arms, Coin collection, Collection of arms, uniforms and military equipment, Collection of film and video recordings, Collection of memoirs and phonographic recordings, Collection of significant persons and the recently established Collection of old maps. In the rich museum holdings (over 40,000 artefacts), particularly important is the collection of old postcards, maps and the collection of arms, uniforms, military and maritime equipment.
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Museum of Contemporary Art
In a very modern, architecturally-designed building (which opened in 2009), the Museum of Contemporary Art is home to both its permanent Collection in Motion exhibit and a great selection of temporary exhibits throughout the year
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Backo Mini Express
Backo Mini Express is an amazing mini-train museum filled with innovation and surprises. Marvel at a very carefully constructed wonderland of trains, skiers, stations and towns. You can get up close and see how it works. Backo Mini Express will overjoy train lovers and children with their models. After six years of work, the scale model is displayed across 75 square metres. It is constantly expanding through innovation and new models. In fact, at the moment it is the largest model in south-eastern Europe. Although the museum is in a single room, they showcase 102 model trains across 1050 m of the railway on 8 levels. They are also featuring a miniature model of the Snow Queen Trophy at Sljeme and an ice skating rink at Tomislav Square. The ski slope is complete with snow, moving skiers, borders and cable railway. It takes some serious engineering and technical innovations to fit all that in. As a matter of fact, they paid attention to the finest detail. Including the scenery which is extraordinary. They thought of everything, including weather control, moving road car models and people engaged in various activities.
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Museum of Broken Relationships
The Museum of Broken Relationships is a collection of relationships and in fact an emotional rollercoaster. The first privately owned museum in Zagreb and a winner of the European Museum Kenneth Hudson Award in 2011. It is located in the beautiful baroque Kulmer palace in the Upper Town – a historical part of Zagreb rich in tourist attractions. Conceptualised by Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić, the Museum has toured internationally, amassing an amazing collection and promoting Zagreb. The Museum of Broken Relationships is dedicated to failed relationships. As a matter of fact, it exhibits personal objects, leftover from former owners, accompanied by their stories and emotions. Exhibits hit on a range of emotions and relationships. Reflect on your personal experiences and how they intertwine with the items on display. It makes you think of the value we give to common objects. It is not about the items you will find. Above all else, it is about the incredible experience and emotions you feel as you walk through the exhibition!
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Mushroom Museum
Mushroom Museum has up to 1250 species of real mushrooms from around the world. Including dozens of newly discovered species. As a matter of fact, the mushrooms are freeze-dried. Which means they are alive, in their original form, size and colour. Making the Mushroom Museum unique in the world. You have a chance to see the infamous and deadly Amanita phalloides, also known as death cap. They are preserved in their original state so to educate visitors about mushrooms and mycology. In addition, it is about developing ecological awareness. Preserving forests from devastation and overcrowding. It is led by agronomist and greatest authority on mushrooms in Croatia, Professor Romano Bozac, D.Sc. In fact, he can take you around the exhibit, if he has the time.
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Zagreb City Museum
Zagreb City Museum will show you all aspects of the city. Showing Zagreb under the influence of politics, the church, history, economy, town-planning and architecture, the history of art and literature, and everyday life. The Museum building was once the Convent of the Poor Clares and is a historical monument itself. Their most valuable exhibit. The exhibition shows the lifecycle of Zagreb through 45 themes. Built around the artefacts the Museum possesses. You will find a prehistoric settlement constructed in the 7th century BC. Starting with the Hallstatt culture of the Early Iron Age and a house and workshop of the La Tene culture of the Late Iron Age. The archaeological map shows visitors the most important sites and finds in the city!
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International Centre for Underwater Archeology
In the near future, the International Centre for Underwater Archeology Zadar will have a Museum of underwater archaeology that will be collecting, preserving, keeping, elaborating and exposing this attractive museum material. The International Centre for Underwater Archeology in Zadar has the status of a UNESCO centre of the second category, with the prospect of preservation and promotion of the underwater cultural heritage of Croatia, the Mediterranean and Europe. The centre has several departments – like the departments for education, conservation, restoration, presentation, underwater heritage and other- that are located at the spot of the former convent of Saint Nicholas where the remains of the medieval church of the same name can be found.
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Archaeological Museum Zadar
On the glass face of the Archeological Museum in Zadar, you can see the reflection of the Forum and Saint Donatus, with which the Museum is unbreakably connected. Since 1880 works of protection and restoration have been done in Saint-Donat with the idea to place the Archeological Museum in it. The Archeological Museum is the oldest museum in Zadar and the second oldest in Croatia. It was founded in 1832., and today it keeps more than 100.000 archaeological objects from all the cultural and historical periods from the Paleolithic to the end of 11th century. The museum has its journal and for almost 60 years in a preparatory workshop, it has been producing hand-made souvenirs- amphoras, recipients, fibulas (brooches), jewellery and other valuable museum material.
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Zadar City Museum
Zadar City Museum was founded in 1960 and in 1962 it was integrated into the National Museum Zadar under the name the Cultural-Historical Department. Zadar City Museum is located in the building which up to the time of Napoleon was the monastery of St. Krševan.
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People's Square
Everything that ever mattered in Zadar, since the medieval period, happened or was heard of on the People's Square. It is the centre of urban life, a source that sucks you in with its energy and beauty, and then leaves the people passing-by to some of the other urban sensations. The People's Square in Zadar is the medieval Platea Magna, the centre of life and nowadays centre of town administration together with the City Loggia. From the People's square all the ways lead in all directions; to the Kalelarga, the Waterfront, the Five Wells Square or to the market and fish market. In The City Loggia on People's Square, that was built already in the 13th century, Zadar inhabitants have been gathering and have been discussing the most important city matters, while on the other side can be found the City Guard from the second half of the 16th century with a watch on a tower that has been in function incessantly since 1803.
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Museum of Ancient Glass
The Museum of ancient glass in Zadar has a souvenir shop with a very rich offer in which one can buy publications and especially souvenirs like replicas of ancient glass made in glassmaking museum workshops with the method of hand blowing. The Museum of Ancient Glass is a contemporary and unique cultural institution in the world, and it has a specialized archaeological collection of more than 5.000 glass objects from the period of Antiquity from the first century B.C. do the 5th century A.D. in its possession. It has a permanent display and an attractive glassmaking workshop in which by manual blowing technique replicas of ancient glass are made.
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Museum of Illusions Zadar
The Museum of Illusions in Zadar possesses a kaleidoscope, the illusion of the chair, optical illusions, holograms, the illusion of the dented face, the table of clones, tricky rings, head on the table, gramophones, the whole with no end, room of mirrors and other visual illusions. In Zadar's Museum of Illusions, nothing is as it seems to be. In the crooked room it defies gravity, while in the room of mirrors you are being narrowed and widened. Holograms, optical illusions, kaleidoscope, dented faces, table of clones and other illusions, are part of that tricky word. Climbing the ceiling is part of the museum's attractions.
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The Dogi Palace
The Dogi Palace represent the symbol and the hart of the political and administrative life of the Venetian Republic millenary history. In the halls of the palace the Doge and the council took all the decision about Venice and its life.
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Correr Museum
The Correr Museum offers a real opportunity to know the Art and History of Venice. In the Napoleonic wing that was during the 19th century house of kings and emperors with their impressive neoclassical rooms, we find an important collection of works of one of the greatest sculptors of that time, Antonio Canova (1757-1822). In this museum we can also visit the New Magistrates, "Procuratie Nuove", which were designed between 1552-1616 by the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi and where once the most important civic authorities of the Republic of Venice were housed. In these spacious rooms, currently there are collections that document various aspects of the city's history, such as public institutions, daily life, naval achievements and local festivals. On the second floor is the exhibition of the Art Collection covering the period from the beginning of Venetian painting to the 16th century; also here we can find other incomparable masterpieces.
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Accademia Gallery Museum
The Accademia Museum (Gallerie dell'Accademia) is part of a complex including the church of Santa Maria della Carità, the homonymous Scuola Grande (the original entrance is now the main access to the museum) and the Monastery of the Canonici Lateranensi (the complex was in use until the beginning of the XIX century). The gallery take its name from the Accademia delle Belle Arti (Art Accademy) who opened the building and shared the sites until few years ago (2004). The operas preserved inside the Gallery are many and of inestimable value. Most of the painting comes from a period between the XIV and the XVIII century, the most important authors are Carpaccio, Bellini, Tintoretto, Tiziano. Also many sculptures and drawing can be admired, amongst them the vitruvian man by Leonardo da Vinci, exposed only few periods. Initially the museum was operating as didactic and restoration of art operas centre.
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The Old Town Varazdin
At the northern edge of the historical centre of Varaždin separated from the city by embankments and moat, is the Old Town Castle of Varaždin. This military fortress was unassailable from the outside due to the moat which was fed by the river Drava canal and the cannons inside the walls that in some places were 2.5 metres thick. Inside is the Old Town’s Renaissance Palace, whose aristocratic owners have continually changed and adjusted it to suit their tastes from the 13th to the 19th Century. Today the entire Old Town is the Varaždin City Museum. Former illustrious owners include the Counts of Celje, Jan Vitovac, Ivaniš Korvin, Juraj Brandenburg, Counts Ungnadi and many others. The Erdödy Family ruled the City for the longest time, and the first owner was the famous General Tomo Bakač Erdödy, who defeated the Turks at Sisak in 1593. The Old Town was the Capital of the Varaždin County, and the Erdödy family were its hereditary governors. That’s why their family coat of arms which was officially confirmed by Queen Maria Therese in 1763, is still in use. The last owner of the Town sold it in 1923. The Varaždin City Museum was founded by the Varaždin Museum Society and officially opened in 1925 in a few rooms in the Old Town. Initially, the displays consisted of items donated to the newly opened museum by renowned Varaždin families. Over the years, the size and variety of the Museum Collection have increased, and today the Varaždin City Museum has specialized Archaeological, Historical, Cultural, Ethnographic and Entomological Departments. Museum Departments are housed in several buildings of historical value in the center of the City: the Gothic-Renaissance fortress Old Town, the baroque Sermage, the classical Herzer Palace and the Watchtower in the Old Town complex. The Museum’s Departments currently have four permanent exhibitions including: the Cultural and Historical Department in the Old Town, Entomology in Herzer Palace and the Gallery of Old and Contemporary Masters in the Sermage Palace. The Archaeological and Historical Department in the Herzer Palace is currently being prepared and is almost ready to open permanently.
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The museum Of Firefighting
Although the smallest of all city museums, the Museum has proved attractive to a many visitors. There is a long tradition of fire fighting in Varaždin as the City has been damaged several times by fire. The first Varaždin volunteer Fire Brigade formed in 1864, making it the first in the region.
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A. Schwarzenegger Museum
“I’ll be back.” Hardly anyone could fail to recognise Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous line. Even though he doesn’t actually come back in person that often, nevertheless you can gain, at the very least, an intimate insight into the childhood and career of this international star at the Arnold-Schwarzenegger Museum, located at his place of birth in Thal near Graz. The beautiful building was constructed in 1806 and is the original forester’s lodge of the Count of Herberstein and Eggenberg.
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Technical Railway Museum Lieboch
Tracking down the glory of the past in Lieboch. Housed within the former boiler house at the railway station is the Technical Railway Museum Lieboch. In the museum you can find gems like a steam locomotive from 1914, historical rolling stock and numerous exhibits, as well as experiencing historical, technical and socio-cultural aspects relating to rail transport. Multi-media presentations offer insights into important events in the history and future of Austrian railways.
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Kunsthaus Graz Art Museum
Whilst it’s not common for existing, traditional urban buildings to sit so perfectly next to breathtaking new architecture, with the setting of this museum of contemporary art in Graz it’s definitely the case. The Kunsthaus floats like a mysterious blue balloon between the roofs of the historic city centre. Named friendly alien by its creators, its fascinating magic draws visitors in. Sometimes dreams come true. As the dream about a Kunsthaus in Graz. The site was a good choice. The right bank of the river Mur, so far a more or less neglected part of the city. The neighbourhood: the Eisernes Haus (Iron House), a nearly forgotten, as hardly visible, formerly bold cast-iron construction built by Graz architect Josef Benedict Withalm in 1848.
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A knight’s tale of passion? Certainly fitting for some of the warriors in shining armour. At the Landeszeughaus armoury of Graz, standing in rank and file are the armour and weapons of valiant warriors of the Middle Ages. The special historical setting and sheer number of collector’s items make a visit to the Graz armoury a treat not to be missed. Marvel at an unbelievable 32,000 exhibits arranged on four floors, where many a visitor, large or small, drifts into dreams of heroic sagas of times past.
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Sibenik City Museum
The Sibenik City Museum was founded in 1925 and is located in the immediate vicinity of the Cathedral, in the former Prince's Palace. Between it and the Bishop's Palace, the Renaissance one can find the preserved city gate from the 16th century. Along the center of the ground floor in the southern wing of the Prince's Palace is a gothic passage with the city gate on which the city coat of arms can be found with an image of its patron, St. Michael. The Sibenik City Museum consists of archaeological, cultural-historical and ethnographic departments. Its duties consist of collecting, taking care of, elaborating and presenting the cultural-historical heritage of the Šibenik region. Its collections consist of a number of valuable items significant for the study of Šibenik history, from the oldest times until present days.
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Museum of St Francis
The Museum of St. Francis is a museum in the monastery of St. Francis in Šibenik, monks of Franciscan Conventuals, who prove their presence for several centuries in the city of Šibenik through a rich collection of valuable works of art. This modern interactive show is of educational and informative nature, and visitors are guided through the contents of the monastery library, one of the five most valuable heritage libraries in Croatia. It keeps a large number of incunabula and codices, parchments and other valuable and rare books, among which the „Šibenik prayer“, one of the oldest Croatian language and literary tributes were written in Latin script around 1375.
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Trogir City Museum
The Trogir Museum was opened in 1966 within a unique complex of several palaces and houses owned by the Garagnin-Fonfogna family since the 18th century. The first small room accommodates a late Greek relief "Woman at Work" (2nd- 1 st century BC), and the replica of Kairos (4th-3rd century BC), as well as the prehistorical finds from the Trogir surroundings and the fragments of ceramics and glass from the Greek period. The Roman period is represented by the finds from the graves (fragments of a helmet, money, amphoras, urns) and stone reliefs and fragments discovered during archaeological excavations near Trogir. The second, large hall with a three-light window presents the medieval Trogir through the documentation on the development of the autonomous commune. The first printed city Statute from 1708, which actually governed the city public life already in the 14th century, and the city seal rings are on display in this hall. The original minutes of the City Council sessions from 1316 are displayed, along with major documents on parchment, and the Venetian money used in the provinces of Dalmatia and Albania. Ivan Lucic's "De Regno Dalmatiae et Croatiae", the major medieval Croatian work published in Amsterdam in 1666 is here, along with the matricula of the All Saints brotherhood from 1573, and the testimony on Venetian-Turkish war contained in the memoirs of Koriolan Cipiko (1477).
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Hohenwerfen Fortress
900-year-old Hohenwerfen Castle stands amid extraordinary countryside. A former defensive bastion, it is enthroned high above the Salzach River Valley, offering exciting experiences for visitors in search of adventure and culture. Hohenwerfen Castle promises a unique adventure, and it delivers! Aside from guided tours of the castle, including its exhibition of ancient weapons, a stylish castle tavern and the Knights’ Store, it is the historic State Falconer’s, with its daily falconry shows, that is an absolute magnet for visitors. The first Austrian Museum of Falconry, including a bird-of-prey theme path, is likewise located up at the castle.
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Split Archaeological Museum
As the oldest museum institution in Croatia, the Split Archaeological Museum was founded in 1820 by the decree of the Dalmatian government in Zadar. The incentive for the establishment of the Museum was provided by the visit of Emperor Francis I to Dalmatia in 1818, which also included visits to Split and Solin. The original museum building was erected in 1821 next to the eastern walls of Diocletian's Palace but soon became too small to house the growing number of monuments. A new era in the development of archaeology in Croatia is associated with the work and activity of Father Frano Bulic, director of the Split Museum since 1884. Father Frano Bulic (Vranjic, 1846 - Zagreb, 1934), a catholic priest, archaeologist, historian, and conservator, had for more than 50 years been working as a field researcher, conservator and writer. He is known as the founder of the Croatian archaeological society "Bihac" that was established in Split in 1894.
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Museum of Illusions
Enter the fascinating world of illusions that will trick your reliance on your senses, but also amaze you at the same time; the world that will confuse you completely, but also educate you… Visit us and you will be thrilled because nothing is what it seems, especially not in HERE! Are you ready for even a bigger, better, and more fascinating adventure? Visit the Museum of Illusions in Split; we offer you an intriguing visual, sensory and educational experience with a handful of new, unexplored illusions. The Museum of Illusions in Split provides you with a space suitable both for social and entertaining tours through the world of illusions, prone to delight all generations. It’s a perfect place to gain new experiences and have fun with friends and family. Not only is it a place for children who love paying it a visit, but it is also a place for parents, grandparents and couples.
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Game of Thrones Museum Split
Split Get The Museum of Game Of Thrones "Excuse yourself in the impressive interior: 'This is a series of prints, it's ice-cold, you feel smudged and smells the same' In Bosanska Street, one of the town's vineyards. Just next to the street where some of the serial scene scenes were recorded. Not far from Diocletian's basements, where Khaleesi put the dragons in captivity. One of the dragons at the entrance is the visitors of this interesting Split's tourist acquisition. His head had pierced the wall, fluttered the enormous ears, and with his sharp canine, he slid his slit, spread his eyes. And he's in real-life, so scary that little children and those weaker nerves could even upset...
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Atelje Vasko Lipovac
Gallery featuring contemporary sculpture, paintings & other works of the namesake artist. Vasko Lipovac was a Croatian painter, sculptor, printmaker, designer, illustrator and scenographer and one of the most prominent artists of the region. He is best known for his minimalist figuration and use of intense, unmodulated and often dissonant palette. With the exception of his juvenile period of geometric abstraction, he remained loyal to figuration throughout his whole career. Exceptionally prolific, he worked in various techniques and was equally skilful in using high-polished metal, polychromous wood, enamel, terracotta or polyester to create his sculptures, reliefs and mobiles.