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Country: Austria
Time Zone:UTC+2
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Eggenberg Palace
The universe is in Graz! It’s no joke, but rather a wonderful example of harmonious architectural skill: Eggenberg Palace on the edge of the city centre. Set within a beautiful park is the main palace, which was laid out as an architectural allegory of the universe. The building represents a precisely calculated cosmos. It was commissioned by Prince Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg from the year 1625 to embody his wish for a harmonious structure, reacting to the chaos of the 16th century. 365 windows, 31 rooms on each floor, 24 state rooms with 52 doors and, in all, 60 windows, 4 corner towers - all allusions to time, to the seasons, to weeks, days, hours, minutes. This number symbolism based on the then new Gregorian calendar is the architectural programme of the palace. Also the paintings in the Planetensaal (Planet Hall), whose decoration was started in 1678, are characterized by astronomical symbolism.
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Burg Rabenstein
Anything but antiquated, this impressive castle towers over the Mur river valley. This extraordinary event centre, located close to the river Mur cycle route, is open all year and accessible to the public from April to October on. Access to the castle by means of the Atlantis-Shuttle is a unique experience, offering fantastic views of the surroundings. A state-of-the-art energy supply system in the form of a heat pump highlights the successful marriage of history and modern technology.
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Graz Clock Tower
The fortified medieval tower got its present shape around 1560. And its characteristic wooden gallery as a fire station. Three bells are ringing from the Clock Tower. Three coats of arms decorate the walls. A tower on this spot of the hill was first mentioned in the 13th century. When the fortress was reconstructed in the middle of the 16th century, the tower was given its present shape. The hands on the huge clockfaces often confuse people. Is the clock out of order? No. The fact that originally there were only long hands for the hours which could be seen from the distance, and that those for the minutes were added only later caused the "swapping" of the hands.
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The countryside immediately around Graz is wild and romantic. Among the natural attractions hidden away here are narrow gorges and gullies, through which busy streams rush. The beautiful Kesselfallklamm is like a little sister to the mighty Bärenschützklamm. Well secured steps allow you to explore this romantic gully comfortably with children too. At its northern end is the town of Semriach, a health resort popular for its air quality and treasured as a wonderful patch of Styria. The Kesselfall gorge, the most spectacular section of the Rötschbach stream, has been accessible since 1904. The Kesselfall circle trail (R3) starts at the Sandwirt restaurant in Augraben. A pictorial sign will show you the way: a man falling into a pot (Ger. "Kessel"). Fresh from the spring, the water rushes and roars over waterfalls, in rapids and through pools. From the highest of the falls, the water plunges in cascades over a 38m drop. Thanks to more than 50 ladders and bridges, in all, about 1,800 rungs, you can experience this marvel up close. On the upper reaches of the gorge, where the Rötschbach stream is silently murmuring, the circle trail turns to the right. Walking steeply uphill, you will first reach an unusual rock formation called "Stone Gate" and will pass a cave, before going downhill and finishing the tour in the valley at Sandwirt. In one and a half hours of walking you would have covered 2.7 km and an altitude difference of 200m.
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Schoeckl Mountain
At 1445 metres not exactly the highest, but the Schöckl, local mountain of Graz, is an extremely popular destination. Featuring everything from steep slopes to an extended plateau, it holds an almost supernatural fascination for visitors. Many hike around it several times per week, ascend on their mountain bikes or treat themselves to the comfortable cable car from St. Radegund, all with a view to rising above workaday concerns for a real highlight. In terms of its geology, the Schöckl is a limestone mountain with a core of crystalline rock. At the interface of permeable and impermeable rock, springs come to the surface. Thanks to radioactive springs and healthy air, the village of St. Radegund on the southern foot of Schöckl became an internationally renowned spa in the 19th century.
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The Cathedral Graz
Royal-imperial church architecture is crowning the historic city centre. The cathedral is definitely not to be missed on any sightseeing trip round Graz. Don’t be fooled by the relatively restrained exterior. The "Gottesplagenbild", an inspiring relic of splendid Gothic fresco painting, is still in excellent condition today. Inside the cathedral, a multitude of ecclesiastical along with general historical treasures is waiting to be discovered. Today's cathedral reminds of the days when Graz was an imperial city. Emperor Frederick III erected the church together with his new residence in Graz. In the course of history, the cathedral saw many changes. Construction work of the court and parish church in late-Gothic style was started in 1438, as Jesuit church it was refurbished in Baroque style in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Since 1786 it has been the cathedral, i.e. the bishop's and main church of the Catholics in Styria. The exterior of the cathedral looks very sober today. In the Gothic period, however, the façades were covered with paintings. One fresco has been preserved - the so-called Gottesplagenbild ("God's Plagues").
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Adventure Park Graz
Just on the outskirts of Graz there’s an exciting park, offering all manner of adventures and opportunities to explore your limits. At Abenteuer Park Graz there’s a forest climbing park, tightropes on which to balance; you can try archery, climb piles of crates and explore nature discovery trails. Here the wisdom of Confucius applies: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.”
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A knight’s tale of passion? Certainly fitting for some of the warriors in shining armour. At the Landeszeughaus armoury of Graz, standing in rank and file are the armour and weapons of valiant warriors of the Middle Ages. The special historical setting and sheer number of collector’s items make a visit to the Graz armoury a treat not to be missed. Marvel at an unbelievable 32,000 exhibits arranged on four floors, where many a visitor, large or small, drifts into dreams of heroic sagas of times past.
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Kunsthaus Graz Art Museum
Whilst it’s not common for existing, traditional urban buildings to sit so perfectly next to breathtaking new architecture, with the setting of this museum of contemporary art in Graz it’s definitely the case. The Kunsthaus floats like a mysterious blue balloon between the roofs of the historic city centre. Named friendly alien by its creators, its fascinating magic draws visitors in. Sometimes dreams come true. As the dream about a Kunsthaus in Graz. The site was a good choice. The right bank of the river Mur, so far a more or less neglected part of the city. The neighbourhood: the Eisernes Haus (Iron House), a nearly forgotten, as hardly visible, formerly bold cast-iron construction built by Graz architect Josef Benedict Withalm in 1848.
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Landhaus Courtyard
What a perfect place for a party! The inevitable thought if you step into the Landhaushof in Graz. Taking in the Renaissance surroundings of this inviting location immediately conjures up colourful images of people enjoying festivities. Here in the summer, flowers decorate the magnificent arcades and, at Advent, the celebrated ice nativity scene finds a perfect setting. In between, concerts, theatre and indeed all manner of festivities take place in the splendid atmosphere of the Landhaus courtyard. A touch of Northern Italy in Herrengasse, right in the centre of Graz? In fact, the Landhaus is reminiscent of some Venice palazzo. In 1557, the Italian architect Domenico dell’Allio started to construct a prestigious building for the Styrian estates. It still is the provincial parliament of Styria.
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Lurgrotte Cave Peggau
Stala‘c’tite from the ‘c’eiling, stala‘g’mite on the ‘g’round. This mnemonic can help you to identify the wonderful stone formations at the Lurgrotte, Austria’s largest dripstone cave. Here calcium mineral deposition over millions of years has yielded enchanting natural artworks both fragile and massive, with fantastic names meaning prince, giant and grand candle stick. You can explore this fascinating cavern complex accompanied by an expert guide, starting from either Peggau or Semriach. The first person daring to enter the depths of Lurgrotte was the Italian cave scientist Max Brunello. In 1894 he discovered the Great Dome. This huge hall with an area of 120m by 80m and a height of 40m is among the biggest of its kind in central Europe and can be reached from the Semriach entrance. During guided tours a special atmosphere is created in the chamber by dramatic sound and lighting effects. Along the approximately 2km trail accessible from Semriach you can marvel, for example, at the forty-ton "giant" being probably the thickest hanging stalactite in the world.
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The Glockenspiel in the eponymous square in Graz leads the way. A sweet maiden and hearty lad clad in traditional costume pirouette three times a day (11.00, 15.00 & 18.00) up in the gable of the building on Glockenspielplatz square. The mechanism’s cheerful 24 bells play three different melodies. A charming, romantic show beyond compare. Enchanted and each with a spring in their step and a smile on their face, lucky viewers head off once the last note dies away. In 1884 the spirits producer Gottfried Maurer bought a house in then "Fliegenplatzl" square. On his journeys to North Germany and Belgium the businessman got to know carillons and had one installed in his house in Graz. On Chrismas Eve in 1905, the 24 bells in the iron roof turrent chimed for the first time. In 1929 Gottfried Maurer bequeathed the carillon to the city of Graz, conditional on its continued existence.
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Island in the Mur
Island or boat? It isn’t easy to tell with this extravagant steel construction by US-American artist Vito Acconci. The Island in the Mur, Graz was commissioned as part of the city’s role as Capital of Culture in 2003. What is clear is its function as a link between river and city, a wonderful place to drink coffee or enjoy a cocktail. With the river Mur swirling cheerfully by on both left and right sides, from the Murinsel you can appreciate a completely new perspective of the city of Graz. The island has brought the river Mur back to the people of Graz. Up to a few years ago, the river had been polluted by sewage water and industrial effluent. So the fact that the Mur had dug itself 12m deeper into its riverbed after its regulation in the 19th century hardly bothered people. Now the river connecting and dividing the city has a good quality of water again, has become inviting.
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The Mausoleum
An imperial place of rest next to the Dom. Turquoise domes stand out against the blue sky above the Mausoleum and, together with the Dom and Katharinenkirche church, define one of the city’s magnificent views. You could almost have been whisked away to the lands to the south, given how this ensemble enchants any visitor with more than just a hint of Florentine flair. Here in Graz, Emperor Ferdinand II had his court artist Giovanni Pietro de Pomis lay out the impressive tomb. The so-called Stadtkrone ("Crown of the Town") of Graz comprises such important buildings as the Cathedral, the Burg, the Old University and today's Seminary (former Jesuit college). But it is the domescape of the Mausoleum which also visually crowns the city.
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Burg & Double Spiral Staircase
Separation and reconciliation. Even official architecture can harbour surprises. The Burg in Graz, official headquarter of the regional government, is a real gem. Centuries of reconstruction have yielded interesting elements of the Gothic, Renaissance and Biedermeier eras. Particularly striking is the double spiral staircase, seeming almost like an optical illusion. This “staircase of reconciliation” consists of two opposing spiral stairs, which merge briefly on each floor, part and then rejoin.
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Technical Railway Museum Lieboch
Tracking down the glory of the past in Lieboch. Housed within the former boiler house at the railway station is the Technical Railway Museum Lieboch. In the museum you can find gems like a steam locomotive from 1914, historical rolling stock and numerous exhibits, as well as experiencing historical, technical and socio-cultural aspects relating to rail transport. Multi-media presentations offer insights into important events in the history and future of Austrian railways.
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A. Schwarzenegger Museum
“I’ll be back.” Hardly anyone could fail to recognise Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous line. Even though he doesn’t actually come back in person that often, nevertheless you can gain, at the very least, an intimate insight into the childhood and career of this international star at the Arnold-Schwarzenegger Museum, located at his place of birth in Thal near Graz. The beautiful building was constructed in 1806 and is the original forester’s lodge of the Count of Herberstein and Eggenberg.
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House of Regions
The House of Regions stands for European culture and the concept of the event hall is based on three pillars: music, dance and literature from the European regions are offered in the ballroom of the house, craft folk art in the shop of folk culture Lower Austria and culinary art from the European regions in the Gastrobetrieben Blauenstein and Weinstein.
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Klagenfurt Cathedral & Cathedral Square
Commissioned by the territorial estates as a Protestant church in 1578, it was designed by architect Christoph Windisch. Klagenfurt Cathedral is the oldest pilaster church in Austria. The 23 paintings on the walls and ceilings were painted over several times in the course of the years. The Catholic Reformation Commission closed the cathedral in the year 1600. Four years later it was handed over to the Jesuits who managed the Jesuit school next door until the order was closed in 1773. A fire destroyed major parts of the church in the year 1723. Reconstruction did not begin until 1725. The Carinthian Baroque painter Josef Ferdinand Fromiller created the John of Nepomuk apotheosis. The church was raised to Cathedral status in 1787. The Cathedral was renovated in the 1890s and shines today in the lustrous Baroque colourfulness of the 18th century.
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Observatory Klagenfurt
In 1965 an observatory was built atop the old stone lookout tower amid the broad woodlands of the Kreuzbergl in Klagenfurt. From its viewing platform, the observatory offers unforgettable panoramic views of Klagenfurt and the surrounding mountains. With the help of a giant telescope and a modern astronomic navigation system, you will be able to gaze on live images of the moon, planets, binary stars and other unique features of the heavens. Parking is available at the Schweizer Haus or the Botanical Garden, with a clearly marked footpath (also lit up after dark) leading to the observatory.
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Lindwurm Fountain
The dragon depicted on the fountain is the symbol of the city. There is a lovely square around it where you can sit and relax. In the 13th century a dragon was wreaking havoc in Klagenfurt, causing floods that destroyed crossings and threatened travelers along the River Glen. A duke offered a reward for anyone who could capture it, and a brave young man tied a bull to a chain and caught the dragon like a fish. In 1335 the dragon’s skull was found in a nearby quarry aptly known as Dragon’s Grave. The capital city of Carinthia proudly displayed it in the city’s town hall, and in 1590 Ulrich Vogelsang used it to make what is often cited as the earliest known reconstruction of an extinct animal—it’s attributed to Vogelsang, but it’s more likely an anonymous artist made the sculpture, carved from a single block of chlorite slate. Legend claims 300 men, dressed in all white, carried the six-ton beast to the center of town.
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Benedictine Market
Klagenfurt’s Benedictine Market in downtown Klagenfurt offers everything your heart could possibly desire. What a wonderful hustle and bustle there is in front of the market stands when, on Thursday and Saturday between 6:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., farmers from across Carinthia as well as neighboring Friuli in Italy and Slovenia, offer their products. Aside from delicious foods and fresh grocery items, at the market itself as well as in the neighboring streets you will come across ample opportunities to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, a small snack and a good chat.
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Around the world at top speed: See 156 models of the most beautiful buildings from over 40 countries around the world up close! Minimundus, the miniature world at Lake Wörthersee, is a place for exploring, having fun, spending time, learning and enjoying. With models from every continent, the world is miniaturised, covering over 26,000 m² of parkland. On a scale of 1:25, the most beautiful buildings have been recreated in detail according to original plans and using original materials such as marble, sandstone or lava basalt. Nowhere else can you experience the world in just one day. Experience the Minimundus of the next generation. An exhibition of new dimensions, with adventure, games and fun, covers over 1,500 m².
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The Old Town Varazdin
At the northern edge of the historical centre of Varaždin separated from the city by embankments and moat, is the Old Town Castle of Varaždin. This military fortress was unassailable from the outside due to the moat which was fed by the river Drava canal and the cannons inside the walls that in some places were 2.5 metres thick. Inside is the Old Town’s Renaissance Palace, whose aristocratic owners have continually changed and adjusted it to suit their tastes from the 13th to the 19th Century. Today the entire Old Town is the Varaždin City Museum. Former illustrious owners include the Counts of Celje, Jan Vitovac, Ivaniš Korvin, Juraj Brandenburg, Counts Ungnadi and many others. The Erdödy Family ruled the City for the longest time, and the first owner was the famous General Tomo Bakač Erdödy, who defeated the Turks at Sisak in 1593. The Old Town was the Capital of the Varaždin County, and the Erdödy family were its hereditary governors. That’s why their family coat of arms which was officially confirmed by Queen Maria Therese in 1763, is still in use. The last owner of the Town sold it in 1923. The Varaždin City Museum was founded by the Varaždin Museum Society and officially opened in 1925 in a few rooms in the Old Town. Initially, the displays consisted of items donated to the newly opened museum by renowned Varaždin families. Over the years, the size and variety of the Museum Collection have increased, and today the Varaždin City Museum has specialized Archaeological, Historical, Cultural, Ethnographic and Entomological Departments. Museum Departments are housed in several buildings of historical value in the center of the City: the Gothic-Renaissance fortress Old Town, the baroque Sermage, the classical Herzer Palace and the Watchtower in the Old Town complex. The Museum’s Departments currently have four permanent exhibitions including: the Cultural and Historical Department in the Old Town, Entomology in Herzer Palace and the Gallery of Old and Contemporary Masters in the Sermage Palace. The Archaeological and Historical Department in the Herzer Palace is currently being prepared and is almost ready to open permanently.
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The museum Of Firefighting
Although the smallest of all city museums, the Museum has proved attractive to a many visitors. There is a long tradition of fire fighting in Varaždin as the City has been damaged several times by fire. The first Varaždin volunteer Fire Brigade formed in 1864, making it the first in the region.
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The City Market
Fresh food and groceries which are prepared daily are becoming a more important part of everyday life, and in the Varaždin market this trend is confirmed. In the flurry of trading you can buy fruit and vegetables, as well as other culinary delights that arrive fresh every morning from family farms in Varaždin and its surroundings.
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Croatian National Theatre in Varazdin
One of the main theatre in the city of Varazdin.
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Lake Woerthersee
In Klagenfurt, you will find its wonderful eastern bay, which stretches to Maria Wörth. The public lidos in Klagenfurt, Maria Loretto and Maiernigg invite you to bathe in one of the warmest alpine lakes in Europe, with green sunbathing lawns and shady trees. Boat hire and fun sports, such as banana rides or Water Walking, will turn a day at the lake into a small adventure. In the spacious parklands which make up Europapark, with its skater park and adventure playground, you can relax, do sports or simply enjoy a delicious ice cream on a leisurely walk. Here in Klagenfurt, pleasant walks and bicycle tours often begin along the Lendkanal or on the shore of Lake Wörthersee. The Loretto peninsular is an idyllic location that juts out into the water, with a bar and restaurant there offering pleasant refreshment opportunities. The Kreuzbergl also reveals itself as a peaceful oasis: Just a few minutes’ walk from the town center itself, visitors are able to stroll through the forest and past small ponds.
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Pyramidenkogel Tower
From the Pyramidenkogel visitors can enjoy impressive wide-ranging views of the proud summits of the Hohe Tauern to the north as far as the Karawanken, and towards Italy and Slovenia beyond the borders of the province of Carinthia. The ride to the top of the tower in the transparent panoramic lift offers picturesque views of the surrounding lake valleys, and active visitors can also climb the stairs to the top. Three viewing platforms guarantee a breathtaking view. The highest platform is a proud 71 metres high and houses the “Sky Box”, a room which is flooded with light and protected against the weather. This will be used as events venue in future. The unique tower design consists of 16 stilts made of laminated timber, stabilised by means of ten steel rings and with 80 diagonal struts which tower impressively upwards.
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Haydn Church
The pilgrim church "Visitation" was built between 1715 and 1803 according to plans drawn up by Prince Paul I. Esterházy. Unfortunately, the prince did not live to see the groundbreaking ceremony as he died from the plague in 1713. The portion of the church that can be visited today represents merely the presbytery of the church originally planned. It was to be a place of worship of enormous proportions. The high altar picture "The Visitation" is a copy of a painting by Dorffmeister and dates back to 1797.
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Haydn Mausoleum
The Haydn Mausoleum is located right under the north tower. It is the famous composer's dignified and evocative place of burial. Thousands of music lovers from all corners of the globe visit the mausoleum every year. Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) had been employed with the Esterházy family for more than 40 years. After his death he was first buried in Vienna. In 1820 his remains were transferred to Eisenstadt and put into their final resting place, the mausoleum, in 1954.
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The Calvary
The famous Calvary at the Haydn church was built by the Franciscan lay brother Felix Niering in the years from 1701 – 1707. The Calvary in Eisenstadt follows the pattern of the Calvary in Maria Lanzendorf in Lower Austria. Steps and dark hallways lead through an artificial mountain made of rocks and pass by small niches, grottos and tiny chapels portraying scenes of the Passion of Christ. At the east side of the Calvary, there is the Chapel of Mercy. It contains a miraculous image that is visited by many pilgrims every year. The Chapel of Mercy already forms part of the Calvary. Originally it had been built as Mount of Olives Chapel. After the Statue of Mercy had been transferred from the church in Grosshöflein the chapel was re-consecrated as Chapel of Mercy.
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Jewish Cemetery and Jewish Quarter
The old Jewish Cemetery had been installed in the 17th century near the Jewish Quarter. Due to place restrictions, the new cemetery was set up near the old one. During the Nazi-occupation it was partly destroyed and tombstones had been used to erect tank barriers all around the city. After 1945 both cemeteries were renovated and the tombstones were put back into place.
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The Museum of the Diocese
The museum of the Diocese in Eisenstadt has been on the premises of the Franciscan monastery since 1980. Its collection of ecclesiastical art of the region (sculptures, paintings, paraments, i.e. clothes worn in religious services, and devices pertaining to the liturgy, objects of people´s piety and religious graphics) is unique in Burgenland.
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Jewish Museum Eisenstadt
In 1972 the Austrian Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt was established as Austria’s very first Jewish museum after 1945. It is located in the town’s former Jewish district, near Palace Esterházy, in Palais Samson Wertheimer. In the course of your tour, you can visit not only the museum exhibitions, but also the synagogue belonging to the Palais Wertheimer, as well as both Jewish cemeteries, on a roundabout walk through the ancient Judengasse. The small synagogue to the former Hungarian state rabbi Samson Wertheimer (1658-1724) is the gem of the building and the museum. It numbers among the very few synagogues in the German speaking area which was not destroyed in the so-called Reichskristallnacht in November 1938 or during the period following.
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Regional Museum of Burgenland
Get to know the past and the peculiar characteristics of this region by looking at artefacts contributed by Archaeology, Biology, Geology, Art History and Ethnology. What is the purpose of the Landesmuseum? The museum´s main task is to research the historical and cultural development of Burgenland and the surrounding region of Pannonia and present a comprehensive picture of the results of this research to the public. This is done with the aim to stir and develop the understanding and general and scientific interest in the idiosyncrasies of the region. These tasks are fulfilled by scientific research, the set-up and upkeep of collections, planning and carrying out of exhibits, events such as lectures, seminars, symposia, etc. and the edition of printed materials.
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Wine Museum
The largest wine museum in Austria is situated in the 330 year-old cellar vaults of the palace. This impressive exhibition includes more than 700 fascinating objects and gives an overview of the cultural history and rich traditions of viticulture in Burgenland. Among the exhibits are the largest preserved wine barrel and the oldest Baumpresse (a historic type of Austrian basket wine press) in Burgenland.
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Museum of the Fire Department
The regional Fire Fighter´s Museum deals with the history of the volunteer fire departments of the region Burgenland. More than 450 exhibits show the development of volunteer fire departments in Western Hungary and Burgenland from the second half of the 18th century onward. The exhibits comprise manuscripts, documents, flags, uniforms, photographs but also large exhibits such as hand-held pressure hoses, fire carriages, and the first fire engine dating back to 1930.
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Liszt Monument
When Liszt was five, his unusual musical talent was discovered. At the age of nine he already played public concerts in Sopron. He started his artistic career as child prodigy and first-rate piano virtuoso, much like Mozart. The salons and concert houses of all European cultural centres were at his feet. He was loved by women and adored by music lovers. It is said that their devotion has often crossed the line of hysteria. Franz Liszt is one of the most famous persons of the 19th century. The Liszt Monument on Esterházy Platz was made in 1936 to celebrate the 125th birthday of this great son of Burgenland.
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Esterhazy Palace
Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt is one of the most beautiful baroque castles in Austria and gives an impressive insight into the former glittering life at the court of the Princes Esterházy. With the authentic ambience and the excellent acoustics of the Haydn Hall, Esterházy Palace is still the center of cultural events: here concerts are given, festivals celebrated and glamorous exhibitions shown. An exciting counterpoint is the former stables opposite the castle. Together they form the Schlossquartier Eisenstadt, where contemporary and historical, music and art, culinary and wine meet each other in a unique way.
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Haydn House Eisenstadt
When he got promoted to conductor in 1766, Haydn bought this house and lived there with his wife Aloisia Keller until 1778. Haydn and Eisenstadt are inseparable. From 1761 on, Haydn worked as conductor for the Esterházy court for more than 40 years. Five years after his commission to the Esterházy court, he bought the baroque house situated in what is now called 21 Haydngasse. He lived there for 12 years. Numerous furniture items and original instruments make this collection a true feast for all senses.
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Haydn's Herb Garden
The Haydn's family garden hut with its herb gardens represents a true rarity. When Joseph Haydn bought his house in the city in 1766, he also acquired the little garden by the hospital, situated outside the city walls, and the little wooden hut. Haydn transformed this small piece of land in a flower and herb garden and not only came there to seek peace and quiet, but also to compose. The remains of the kitchen and herb garden have been transformed into a show garden with plants that were en vogue in Haydn's times. It invites the visitors to learn more about century old recipes and herbal secrets.
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Eisenstadt City Hall
The structural fabric of the town hall dates back to 1560 and was changed after the city had been elevated to a royal free-trade zone in 1648. The architectural basis is thought to go back to early renaissance. The diamond-shaped ashlar of the portal points to this era, too. The one-storey building with a broad front featuring two round oriels on the sides and a rectangular oriel in the centre has been refurbished during the baroque; a massive attic has been built on top of it during the same period. The murals discovered in 1926 probably also go back to the early renaissance period and have been adapted to fit the baroque tastes later on. In 1949 Rudolf Holzinger repainted them by closely sticking to old patterns. He also completed the missing pictures.
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Palace Park
The Palace Park, with the Leopoldine Temple and the Orangery at the heart of it, is a jewel. The Palace Park is one of the most important landscaped gardens dating back to the 19th century. It covers an area of about 50 hectares and forms the northern edge of the city and goes all the way down to Bergstrasse and up into the Leitha Mountains. The park comprises four ponds (Leopoldine pond, Obelisk pond, Herzerl pond and Engine pond), uncounted exotic trees and bushes. The Leopoldine Temple built by Moreau in 1806 is a circular temple with Egyptian-style columns erected right above the Leopoldine pond. Inside the temple there is the statue of "Leopoldine", made in 1805 by the famous Italian sculptor Antonio Canova.
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Orangery and its grounds
The Orangery is known for its rich collection of plants, its size and its variety of green houses. The Eisenstadt Orangery is among the most important ones in Europe. The plant collection used to be one of the most impressive collections around, and is mentioned in numerous reports of contemporaries. The ravages of war and the destructions of 1969 only spared the Orangery house and its central octagonal pavilion, the biggest and most prominent buildings of the grounds. These parts are only a portion of the original greenhouse grounds that have evolved over many decades and at different stages. A number of Mediterranean plants, such as pomegranates, olive trees or figs but mainly citrus fruits were being cultivated north of the Alps as early as the middle of the 16th Century C.E. The name Orangery (ital. "Limonaia") originally only denoted the plant collection itself, shows the outstanding ranking of the oranges within the framework of any plant collection.
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Hyrtl Monument
Joseph Hyrtl, outstanding Austrian anatomist and philanthropist, was born in Eisenstadt on December 7, 1810, in what was then the Princes Esterházy’s residence for musicians (today the parish house in Oberberg). He began to study medicine in Vienna in 1831. Professors and students recognized his talent and he was appointed prosector of anatomy in 1833. In 1837, at the tender age of 26 years, he became professor at Prague Charles University. To honour his achievements the municipality had a monument erected on Joseph Hyrtl square on the occasion of his 150th birthday (1960).
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The Regional Gallery of Burgenland
The regional gallery of Burgenland shows mostly contemporary art but also works of classic modern artists. On display are Austrian as well as international artists, as well as exhibits pertaining to a certain theme. The gallery emphasises on being a venue for local artists. There are on average five exhibits a year, some are productions of the gallery, some are exhibits that have been taken over from other institutions.
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Lower Austria Museum
Lower Austria is not only Austria’s largest federal province, its geography, people and events make it Austria’s historical heartland. Its eventful history spans the first traces of human settlement, the first recorded mention of Austria (“Ostarrichi”) in the year 996, the proclamations of the 1st and 2nd Republics, and the fall of the Iron Curtain through to the unification of Europe. The new House of History is open since September 2017 in Museum Niederösterreich. Alos discover Lower Austria’s ecological and topological diversity: a splashing stream leads you from icy Alpine glaciers to the mellow waters in the lowlands. Watch live fish, amphibians, reptiles, ants in giant aquariums, terrariums and a formicarium. You can safely examine the larger inhabitants of our meadows and forests up close, because they are displayed as preserved specimens.
Removed from Unnamed collection
St.Polten Former Synagogue
The only Art Nouveau synagogue in Lower Austria. Rich painting in ornamental forms of the Wiener Werkstätte. Built in 1913 according to the plans of the architects Theodor Schreier and Viktor Postelberg, the synagogue was badly damaged in the Kristallnacht (9th / 9th November 1938). After 1945, the building was returned to the IKG Vienna - an IKG St. Pölten no longer existed. The once thriving Jewish community life in St. Pölten was completely destroyed, only a few survivors returned to St. Pölten. Since 1988, the Kantorhaus houses the Institute for Jewish History in Austria, which uses the synagogue room for events.Today, the former synagogue is a memorial site that commemorates a living Jewish community before 1938 and its destruction by the Nazis.
Removed from Unnamed collection
Landestheater Niederoesterreich
Built in 1820 by Josef Schwerdfeger, after 1890 and 1968 rebuilt and expanded theater construction. Until 2005 Stadttheater. Since 2005 speech theater. Whether award ceremonies, film shoots or press conference - with the stylish atmosphere of the theater house every event becomes an exclusive, unforgettable experience.