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Country: Spain
Time Zone:UTC+2
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Museum of the Cathedral of Murcia
The most important temple in the Region is a magnificent merge of styles, a catalogue of stone which summarizes more than six centuries of art and history. Its construction began in 1394 over the remains of an old Arabic mosque and in 1462 its vaults were finished. The oldest entrance is La Puerta de Los Apóstoles (the door of the Apostles). Its only storefront is flanked by pointed archivolts with statues of the apostles on it. La Puerta de las Cadenas( the door of the Chains) dates from 1513 and has original pilasters and archivolts. From the 15th century dates the Capilla de Los Vélez covered by a ten-pointed star vault and profusely decorated. Another famous chapel is that of Junterón, whose oval ground plan is covered by an extremely original vault. Its baroque main façade (Imafronte), Jaime Bort¿s work, is an exaltation of Levantine art (the 18th century eastern Spain art). It is divided as an altarpiece into two parts and three vertical sections. The tower, divided into five parts, is 92 meters high. Its construction started in 1511 and the fifth body hosts twenty-five church bells
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National Museum of Underwater Archaeology
ARQUA Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática is the institution in charge of studying, valuing, investigating, preserving, disseminating and protecting the Spanish underwater cultural heritage. It is also home to the Permanent Observatory for the National Plan for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage. These tasks are carried out in collaboration with the different regional governments and its research centres and in cooperation with the States who partner with the UNESCO Convention. Furthermore, the ARQUA has recently taken charge of the Odyssey’s treasure. The Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes frigate collection, which consists of more than 570,000 gold and silver coins from the late 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.
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Almadenes Canyon
Anyone who loves nature and places untouched by the human hand will find the Almadenes Canyon a landscape of singular beauty. On the other hand, there is a rich biodiversity of flora including poplars, ashes and willows and wildlife such as the eagle owl, the short-toed Eagle and the otter. In this attractive touristic enclave, you can pursue adventure sports such as trekking, canyoning, and of course, the river descent by inflatable boat or kayak which offers every visitor the opportunity to travel down the river irrespective of their age or physical fitness.
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Playa Amarilla Beach
You can access there through the Urbanization El Fraile Resort in the highroad Calabardina, where you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view of Bahía and Isla del Fraile. The southern area of ​​the beach is open and the eastern area is protected by the island, both, the beach and the island, separated by a 50m width and 1.5 deep narrow canals, dangerous for a swim in stormy days. The predominant eastern current increases its intensity when it arrives at the strait between island and beach, resulting in high quality, extraordinary transparent waters. During the whole summer is a meeting point of sports boats. Its surroundings are very rich in archaeological remains.
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Playa de Calblanque Beach
Protected natural beach of high landscape value. This beach is located within the regional park Parque Regional de Calblanque, one of the best preserved unspoilt natural landscapes on the coast. Its enormous natural wealth is based on its arid mountains, its long, ocher and golden-colored beaches as well as its lonely coves, the formation of its fossil dunes, its white salt lakes and its mountain massifs, which contrast with the blue sea.
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Roman Theatre
In 1990 the first remains of what would be one of the most interesting monuments of the city of Cartagena were discovered accidentally. It is one of the largest and most comprehensive theatres throughout Spain. It was built in 44 BC when Octavian Augustus was emperor and Cartagena was a Roman colony (Colonia Urbs Nova Carthago) going through a period of high population and economic development; at that time it was called Carthago Nova. From its location, the theatre has witnessed different periods of the history of Cartagena, since the Roman Empire, up to the present, overlapping constructions of each of the historical periods. The Roman Theatre faithfully followed the theatre model proposed by Vitruvius. It was built almost entirely in the rock on a hill.
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Cueva Del Puerto
The underground cavity has the longest horizontal run of the Region of Murcia and its more than 700 meters long. It has different astonishing rooms and spectacular rock formations with three fantastic audiovisual shows. Locution and synchronized lighting with LED technology and exciting walkways all provided. Also specialized guides for excursions. The Cueva del Puerto Reception Centre of Calasparra has a cafeteria, a multipurpose hall also used for conferences, interpretative room, terraces for activities, parking lots, cave tourism centre, etc.
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La Barraca Quemada Beach
Protected natural beach with sand dunes and salt lakes. It is located in the regional park Parque Regional de las Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar, between the beaches Playa de Las Salinas and Punta de Algas. This is the first one of the beaches that can be found in La Llana, as well as the only place where some shaded areas can be found, in the shelter of a group of palm trees.
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Museum of Santa Clara
On the Islamic-Mudejar palace of the Emir of Murcia, Ibn Hud, the monastery of Santa Clara was founded, which since 1365 houses the Clarisas nuns. In this building come several centuries of history and different cultures such as Islamic, Gothic and Baroque. The museum space and the nuns coexist in total harmony. It conserves one of the oldest Arabic pools in Spain.
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Romea Theater
With more than 150 years of history, the eclectic building of the Romea Theater is one of the most important cultural references of the city. Built after an earlier one that suffered two fires, the current theater was inaugurated in 1900 thanks to the architect Justo Millán.
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Salzillo Musuem
The origin of this museum dates back to the 19th century. At that time, the life and work of Francisco Salzillo were soon enveloped by popular legends of romantic taste.
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The Episcopal Palace
This one was demolished to give a much cleaner view to the facade of the Cathedral. Currently the Episcopal Palace occupies a place close to what used to be the Palacio del Alcázar.
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Cabo de Gata
A spectacular place, a hidden corner by Cabo de Gata lighthouse, where yesteryear fishermen plied their craft and is now a perfect site for diving, as you can see from this beautiful photo.
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Costacabana Beach
Costacabana Beach is located near the seafront in the residential area of the same name. It is a beach of sand and small pebbles of 1,200 metres in length. It has some stone jetties that protect the coast from waves. It can be reached Costacabana Beach departing from the Almeria coast in the east, by the extension of the promenade, also called Camino de la Ribera. After passing by the University of Almeria, we get to this neighbourhood.
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Archeological Museum Almeria
The museum, recently reconstructed modern building, located on the Carretera de Ronda, houses inter esantesfondos with valuable works from prehistory to the Muslim period. In addition, the museum was awarded the European Museum of the Year Award in 2008, and inside, in addition to continuous exposure other activities such as conferences, exhibitions and festivals are held.
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Apollo Theater
There is no record of the date of the project or the name of the architect author. The only data found in the municipal archives and collected by the historian Emilio Villanueva (“Urbanism and Architecture in Modern Almería”) are proof that the new Apollo Theatre was built in 1881 on the site that had previously occupied the Teatro Calderón. At a time abounding recreational societies was one of them, the Society of Twenty, who promoted its construction becoming the first owner of the theatre. In January 1984, the Directorate General of Architecture and Housing, Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Environment, commissioned the architect Angel Jaramillo Esteban, performing some previous studies for the rehabilitation of the building, and then in 1985 the corresponding project.The works managed by the Hon. Almería City Council, beginning in 1987 under the direction of the same architect and then for various reasons remain stalled between 1989 and 1992, were completed in 1993, having taken part in financing the ministries of Public Works, Transport and Environment and Culture and the Departments of Public Works and Transport and Culture and the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía
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Cerro San Cristobal
From the Alcazaba, descend in a northward direction through the Barranco de la Hoya, a line of wall that reaches San Cristobal Hill, built during the time of King Jairán (1012-1028) in the eleventh century. Here are the remnants of the neighbourhood “amurallamiento musalla”, which descends from the hill via the main street Antonio Vico. On the hill, known in Muslim times as Monte Laham, there are seven towers, three square Muslim towers and four semicircular Christian towers. These were built by the Templars of Alfonso VII, who constructed a strong-chapel following the Christian conquest of the city under the command of the troops of Alfonso VII in 1147. On this hill, which has an impressive view of the city, and located on a large pedestal, is the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, constructed of local Macael marble. It was restored in 2000 and it is said to bless the city and the Mediterranean Sea. It was originally built in the twentieth century (around 1930).
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Aire de Almeria
Aire de Almería is located in Almería, as its name implies. Muslims lived in Almería for eight hundred years and their customs have enriched our cultural and social heritage. They adopted the ancient tradition of Roman Baths, perfecting them to create a system of luxurious Public Baths that has been admired for generations.
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Alcazaba Fortress
The Alcazaba, with its 1430 m. walled perimeter is Spain’s second-largest Muslim construction, after the Alhambra Palace in Granada. It was built at the behest of Abderrahman III in the tenth century after the founding of the city. It is a stronghold which housed three campuses; the first two Muslims and one Christian, last built after the conquest of the city by the Catholic Monarchs, which occurred in 1489. The fortress is situated on a hill, overlooking the old centre of the city, the medina. In it, we find a first enclosure where there is a large garden and ponds constructed during the Muslim period. The second area, the vast palatial residence of King Almotacín, stood during the eleventh century. This consisted of a public area, where today are the caliphate wells of the tenth century, a Christian arch of the 16th century. Finally, is the last enclosure of the fortress, Christian, and ordered to be built by the Catholic Monarchs, after the taking of the city. It is a Christian castle within the Muslim fortification.
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Guitar Museum Antonio de Torres
The Museum of Spanish Guitar ‘Antonio de Torres’ is more than a museum space, an exhibition and information center that will allow visitors to learn in a fun and easy way primary keys of one of the most popular musical instruments around the world as is the guitar. The most played and produced in the history of world music instrument comes from the hand of its maximum precursor, the luthier Antonio Torres, considered the father of contemporary guitar. Therefore, among the objectives of this project the Culture of the City of Almería as the main driving force behind the same aims that visitors actively participate in the museum itself and, by extension, in the cultural life of the city of Almeria. The Museum offers participants much more than a simple succession of pieces, it is a surprising, relevant, educational, interactive and attractive cultural space, open to the public and visitors.
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The Medina (Walled Town)
This is the original centre of the city. Abderramán III, Almería founded in 955 (10th century), by constructing a wall around the heart of the town, building a fortress to defend the city, and provide a mosque for prayer. It extended from the Avenue of the Sea to Queen Street. The route crossed diagonally from the main gateway (at the beginning of Queen Street ) to Sortida or Socorro (at Socorro Street), passing through Pechina or Real de la Almedina street, which were within the preserved route of Caliphate medina. This area can be best described as streets and alleys, where there were no free spaces for squares nor little squares. The squares are found around the Great Mosque, whereas the shopping district was formed for alhóndigas, souks and bazaars. Within here the Alcaicería (luxury shopping district) stood. The shipyard, located in the area of the current Atarazanas street, occupied an important space at the south-eastern tip of the medina. There were many neighbourhoods around this area, each with its small mosque, as in the case of existing in the current Hermitage of San Antón.
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Andalusian Centre of Photography
The Andalusian Center of Photography, belonging to the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Andalusia, was established in 1992 to be the custodian of the photographic collections of the Imagine project and at the same time, to continue the work of promoting and disseminating photography both nationally and internationally. The Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía proposes a permanent institutional offer to treat photography from an interdisciplinary perspective where they have room for treatment and study of the image from different approaches. In October 2007 the new headquarters of the Andalusian Center of Photography in the old Liceo de Almeria, located in the historic center of the city was inaugurated. This building has been renovated and adapted to the needs of a photographic centre of the XXI century, which includes a large exhibition area of six hundred square meters, classrooms for workshops, living scanning, photographic set, library, screening room, archive, store and administrative offices.
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The English Cable
The mineral loading, called “English Cable”, is located in the Playa de las Almadrabillas, dockside lift and the terminal of a branch of the railway. It was originally owned by British mining company “The Alquife Mines Railway Limited” (hence its name), which won the concession in 1901, immediately undertaking the construction in 1902. It is an example and a masterpiece of iron architecture of the early twentieth century. Its construction is possible due to the construction of the port and railway, moving its construction in the current eclectic but introducing a new architectural language characterized by the use of new materials, such as iron. Its surroundings form the beach and a bridge link with the railway station. It consists of two parts: access linking the railway station with the landing, and the pier itself through which the trains could unload directly into the hold of the ships. Your access begins at the terminal of the railway, whose middle section rests in large arches on pillars of stone, separated by metal sections based on large iron beams. In 1998 he was declared of cultural interest for its historical, symbolic and aesthetic values.
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The City of Arts and Sciences
The work of Valencia’s own Santiago Calatrava, this is an example of architecture at its most futuristic. The colossal structure houses an IMAX cinema (situated in the Hemisfèric), as well as Europe’s largest aquarium – the Oceanogràfic,
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National Museum of Ceramics
In honour of the Valencian ceramics industry, the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics is located in what is considered to be the best example of Baroque architecture in Spain, the Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas. The museum houses the largest national collection of ceramics, dating from the 18th century to the contemporary period, and includes pieces by Picasso. A museum in which you can also find merchandise from the Silk Route and discover how they lived in one of the most iconic Valencian noble families of the age.
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Barrio del Carmen and its Palaces
This thousand-year-old city neighbourhood grew between two walls, the Muslim and the Christian. A walk through its labyrinthine cobbled streets flanked by imposing medieval buildings takes us to back to other times in history.
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Garrofa Beach
Garrofa beach is the last on the westward coast of the city of Almeria. It is a cove of just over 100 metres long pebbled with normally clear water. It is located between cliffs and next to the camping of the same name, through which one must pass to access the beach. This beach has a diving club and own camping facilities that are prepared for both tents and caravans.
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Aguadulce Beach
This huge beach, 1,900 meters long, occupies the entire coastline of the city of Aguadulce, from the marina to La Ventilla beach. Due to the quality of the water, the sand and the services that this beach has, it is accredited with the Blue Flag and Q for tourist quality. As it is located on the coast of the center of Aguadulce, it is one of the beaches with the highest bathing density in western Almería, in the summer. Parallel to its route, the city's seafront stretches, offering a wide variety of tourist offerings with restaurants, entertainment, drinks, ice cream, souvenir shops and beach items, etc.
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Cala Conta Beach
For many, Cala Conta needs no introduction. For those who've not yet experienced her crystal shores, you're in for a very special treat. Cala Conta has fabulous views of the little islands dotted near Ibiza's coastline, beautiful turquoise waters and several different areas to explore, making it one of the best beaches on the island. There are two stretches of sand, one backed by a rocky coastline, the other by sand dunes. The shallow water is safe for children and as clear as a swimming pool. Be careful when swimming into the open sea; there are very strong currents here - so even more experienced swimmers should avoid aiming for the island offshore. In the high season the beach is very popular, so come either in the early morning or later in the afternoon. The area of sand is only small, but the waters so inviting you'll spend most of your time there anyway. The many rocky outcrops also make Cala Conta an interesting place for snorkelling. Cala Conta is also one of the best beaches to catch the sunset from, with crowds gathering on land and boats dropping anchor further out to see the soothing spectacle.
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Sa Talaia
The highest point of Ibiza, Sa Talaia, is easily accessible and offers stunning views across the island!
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House of Mariana Pineda
The creation of the Mariana Pineda European Centre for Women fulfils a threefold objective: honouring the memory of this famous woman with a great deal of popular support who symbolises the Constitutionalist Liberal cause in the 19th century; housing the offices of the Municipal Council for Women, which women's groups and associations have been demanding for some time, and opening up the space to the women of Granada, as a meeting point, a place of learning, a discussion forum and for projects that involve women from various countries to create a framework aimed at achieving gender equality.
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The Cathedral of Granada
The Cathedral of Granada is to be understood in the context of the project for an imperial city envisaged by Emperor Charles V.
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Surf Lounge Ibiza
Enjoy one of Ibiza's most unique and fun packed locations, Surf Lounge Ibiza, situated in the lively San Antonio Bay area, with the only Flowrider, an artificial wave machine, on the island. An activity for all to enjoy as no experience is necessary, beginners welcome. The beach sports club, which sits directly on the sea front, has a host of activities, services and events that mean you can learn to paddle surf or play volleyball, then relax by the pool with a delicious cocktail and tasty snack. Of course the big attraction is Flowrider, an artificial, static wave machine, designed in California that can accommodate up to 20 riders at a time. Totally unique to Ibiza, Flowrider offers the opportunity for surfers of all experience levels to enjoy the thrill of riding the waves with monitors and surf teachers in assistance at all times (beginners welcome). Better still is the excellent value you get with all the different ticket options to suit individuals, families and groups. Instructed fun, with all necessary equipment included. Away from the sports, you can relax on the Bali style beds, treat yourself to a massage and sample the ample food and beverage menu. Soak up Ibiza's famous sunset from one of the best spots on the island whilst listening to one of the DJs sunset sessions.
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Dalt Vila
You're better off on foot, in sensible shoes, exploring the narrow, winding, steep cobbled streets and magnificent views from the breaks in the high ramparts and the vast terraces at each level. There are three official routes around Dalt Vila, though you can just wander around, get lost and surprise yourself at what you find. The tourist office in Vara de Rey gives out free guides to navigate the warren of streets and there are information plaques sprouting up from the ground all over; these give you, in multiple languages, a chance to learn and do your own guided tour at your leisure, amidst the residents hanging out their washing from their balconies. A fantastic way to discover the hidden treasures of the old town are the guided tours by Ibiza City Tour - the experienced guides will stimulate your imagination with many anecdotes and interesting facts.
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Ibiza Nightlife
Ibiza is a little island where fiesta, glamorous beaches and the latest musical trends fuse with tranquility, the outdoors and a cultural and natural heritage linked to many centuries of tradition. Ibiza is authentic and natural, but so much more, too. It is cosmopolitan and trendsetting, with universal appeal. It is home to the world’s best DJs and the biggest, most innovative clubs. Every year travellers come in droves searching for one thing: world-famous Ibizan nightlife. Efforts to turn out party goers can take the form of creative street theatre at the Ibiza port. It is all part of an irresistible phenomenon in which even celebrities join in on the fun in street-side terraces and the island’s discotheques. On a big-name night in the latter, sightings of world-famous personalities are a common occurrence. Ibiza’s nightlife is known for constant innovation, with a steady stream of the latest trends flowing in and turning heads.
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Boat trip around the coast
The best way to discover the island is with a boat trip around the coast line. Sparkling crystal clear waters and beautiful beaches is everything you need for a perfect day out.
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Scuba Ibiza Diving Centre
Conveniently located in Marina Botafoc, in Ibiza Town's yacht harbour, Scuba Ibiza Diving Centre is the only diving centre on Ibiza to be qualified to level PADI 5 Star CDC (Career Development Centre) the highest qualification to be given by the PADI organisation. With friendly and highly qualified instructors who are able to teach in seven languages, Scuba Ibiza Diving Centre offers every type of diving activity for holiday makers and Ibiza residents alike, from absolute beginners all the way through to instructor level. Private lessons and dives are available, as are IAHD courses for handicapped divers. Scuba Ibiza Diving Centre takes advantage of Ibiza's ideal climate by remaining open all year round, and the modern facilities and complete dive shop will satisfy even the most demanding of divers.
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Can Marca Caves
Take some time away from the heat of the day in the eerie, underground caverns of the Cueva Can Marça in Puerto de San Miguel. Spookily silent and illuminated in strange colours, the formations of stalagmites and stalactites make for a Jurassic backdrop to the tour of the cavernous galleries. Originally used by smugglers to store contraband, the marks they used to guide them in the dead of night can still be seen on the walls. At the heart is a spectacular music and light show with a 10 metre cascade of water. Visitors also get to see the magnificent views out to sea from openings hewn into the cliff side.
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Acrobosc Ibiza Adventure Park
Acrobosc Ibiza is a fantastic outdoor adventure park with activities both for young and old. Set in an area of pine trees just 100m from the Cala Pada beach, there are three circuits you can follow, according to your height and age, putting your balance and skills to challenge. Thirty-nine platforms between 2 and 6m high, 49 obstacles and 20 zip lines from 4 to 65m length and trampolines will guarantee you 2 to 2 1/2 hours of fun & adrenaline. After fitting you with a safety harness, the instructors will train you and then it's up to you to find your pace as you balance tight ropes, walk over nets suspended mid-air or slide down one of the zip slides (always safely connected to a safety cable). Those under age 18 need to be accompanied by an adult.
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Hippy Market
Have you heard about Ibiza's famous Hippy Market? It's one of the island top attractions and a must-see for every holidaymaker. But that's not the only market you can visit, there are many happening all over the island, so wherever you stay you can enjoy a fabulous shopping experience. Ibiza has strong artistic roots going back to the early '60s when artisans, painters and designers flocked to the island to experience its unique atmosphere, incredible light and freedom of expression. All this comes through in the markets held on the island where handmade items of clothing, jewellery and artefacts can be bought. The biggest markets are the Punta Arabí Hippy Market on Wednesday in Es Caná and the Las Dalias Hippy Market on Saturday in San Carlos.n. All this comes through in the markets held on the island where handmade items of clothing, jewellery and artefacts can be bought.
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Puerta de Toledo arch
his gate is all that remains of the Royal Citadel of Ciudad Real.It dates from the 14th century. It has 6 arches (the 2 exterior ones are ogival and the 4 interior ones horseshoe shaped).
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Don Quixote Museum
This museum combines art and multimedia exhibits in tribute to the immortal character created by Miguel de Cervantes. The different exhibitions in the centre are dedicated to Cervantes' famous novel, Don Quixote. Here you can see a montage in which 10 characters from the novel have a conversation.
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Santa Maria de Prado Cathedral
It is a transitional Gothic building, although its origins go back to a Romanesque shrine. It has been restored several times, the most recent one giving it its current appearance.
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Viana Palace
This palace museum has an extensive collection of items from Cordoba including furniture and coffered objects. Of particular note is the staircase which gives access to the upper floor. This stately mansion was originally a single building that was extended with the adjoining buildings, and today occupies a large area with a predominance of courtyards and gardens.
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Plaza de la Corredera
It is rectangular and follows the model of the traditional Castilian Plaza Mayor square. It is the only one in Andalusia with these characteristics. During the reconstruction works, magnificent Roman mosaics were found. These can be seen in the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos Fortress.